Friday evening we took the night off when we had dinner over at one of my student's home. She and her husband prepared a slightly spicy Vietnamese Curry for dinner.
Saturday we ate lunch out at a new Mexican restaurant in Redmond, OR. It was good, but by good I don't mean outstanding. I also don't mean just okay. Javier had a green posole that we thought had too much cumin in it (but I also said that about the salsa served on the table with the chips) and I had a chile relleno and an enchilada de pollo that were good, but not over-the-top, out-of-this-world good. It's been a long time since I've eaten in a Mexican restaurant where the food was remarkable. The stuff we make at home is always better!
So for dinner last night I had decided to use some of the spinach from our garden that we'd frozen and some fresh ground beef to make BEEF AND SPINACH BURRITOS. This is a recipe I clipped out of a magazine years ago and prepared for the family in an effort to get the kids to eat more vegetables. Besides the spinach and ground beef, the meat is also seasoned with chili powder, salsa, and, yes - cumin. Yesterday I bought some tortillas made of whole wheat flour and corn so that I could experiment with them during the week. Last night we decided to start with the burritos. Earlier in the day we had put some pinto beans (frijoles) in the crock pot to cook so they'd be ready when we got home.
There are several things I could say about burritos, like the fact that they're not standard fare in most Mexican homes and yet seem to appear in dozens of permutations on Mexican restaurant menus. Most of them come smothered in a sauce of some kind, sour cream, chopped lettuce and melted cheese. There are all kinds of fillings, too. Last night we simply made the beef and spinach filling (see picture) and then rolled it into the newfangled tortillas with some grated Monterey Jack cheese and a heaping spoonful of light sour cream. We served the frijoles on the side in little dishes. It was a very filling meal, and one that I'll probably be repeating this week since I made way too much filling!
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