Not much to say about CALDO DE POLLO that hasn't been said already. I have been very sick with something awful, possibily the H1N1 virus, so Javier made me a lovely CALDO before leaving on his trip that I could heat up every day while he was gone.
If it looks greasy, it is! I read somewhere that it's something in the chicken fat that has the power to cure the common cold. Whatever I've got, I decided that I'd use every weapon in my arsenal to try and wipe it out, and asked Javier to make the soup with all kinds of chicken pieces full of skin and bones. Huesos y pellejo.
I skipped the usual addition of something spicy - a chopped pepper or salsa, for example - and just squeezed some lime juice into the broth before adding some diced avocado and eating the whole bowl of soup minus the chicken skin. It was delicious, and about all I could manage to eat. I also skipped the tortillas and rice that are traditionally served alongside a good CALDO.
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